Dr. Nader currently advises not-for-profit organisations, in over 100 countries, which offer the Transcendental Meditation technique and its educational, health, and research programs. He has always been motivated by the desire to understand life – who we are, why are we here, what we can achieve.

As a French citizen who was born and raised in Lebanon, he received his M.D. from the American University of Beirut, where he also studied internal medicine and psychiatry. Dr. Nader's interest in and research on the full potential of the human mind led him, while a premedical student in 1975, to begin the practice of Transcendental Meditation.

"As soon as I started meditating, I experienced that reality which is transcendental, which is beyond the sensory level, which is inner, which is more abstract but more full, more peaceful, more blissful."


As a result, Dr. Nader wanted to understand more about consciousness. With his expertise in neuroscience, he was able to bring a new dimension to study of consciousness, and to the scientific research on Transcendental Meditation and its effects. Soon after, Dr. Nader met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of Transcendental Meditation, at a health conference for doctors and scientists in Switzerland. This was a life-transforming experience.

Based on his own experiences and deepening insight into Transcendental Meditation, Dr. Nader could see that Maharishi had completely revitalised – even revolutionised – the nature of meditation. Dr. Nader knew that meditation was generally considered to be difficult, demanding withdrawal from practical life, even an attitude of detachment. But Maharishi brought to light that the human mind is naturally drawn to more and more, to greater happiness. Life is naturally full, as Maharishi's own teacher had said. Transcending – experiencing the full inner nature of our consciousness – is natural and effortless in TM practice. And this leads to greater enjoyment of the world and progress in life. The knowledge of natural transcending had been completely lost for many generations. As a doctor concerned for human health and happiness, Dr. Nader could see the great possibilities this effortless meditation practice offered for people everywhere.

"This transcendental feeling was permeating the hall, and that was the wholeness which Maharishi radiated to all those who got to meet him and know him."


Thus began a student–teacher relationship that was to span nearly 30 years and which added to Dr. Nader’s desire to have a complete understanding of mind and body, and of the relationship of consciousness and the human physiology – and to study these subjects with Maharishi in light of Vedic science. Dr. Nader learned the more advanced TM-Sidhi® program and soon realised that he wanted to teach the Transcendental Meditation technique to others.

“Of course the scientific research was very impressive, validating the effectiveness and usefulness of the technique. But ultimately the desire to share it comes from the inner experience, which is so fulfilling that you just want all your friends, all the people you love, and everyone in the world to have it.”

Once Dr. Nader finished his medical internship, he returned to Switzerland and became a Certified TM teacher. Being able to teach TM as a doctor was a profound experience, because the TM technique is a holistic way to approach health problems without side effects.

People learned the TM technique to relieve high blood pressure or anxiety, but practicing TM has all kinds of possible benefits for those who learn – a better immune system, better health, more enjoyment of life, more fullness and wholeness in their experience of who they are. It affects how they relate to others, even their influence on their environment becomes more positive. Dr. Nader found that the technique created a wide range of benefits beyond the resolution of a specific problem.
After becoming a TM teacher, Dr. Nader came to the United States to continue his education at the Massachusetts Institute o Technology (MIT), where he earned his Ph.D. in brain and cognitive science. He was appointed assistant director of clinica research at MIT, and was also a clinical research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School.

Dr. Nader has conducted research in neurochemistry and neuroendocrinology; the relationship between diet, age, behaviour, mood, seasonal influences, and hormonal activity; and the role of neurotransmitter precursors in medicine.
At the same time, Dr. Nader began working on the science of consciousness developed by Maharishi, which integrates modern research with the broad-based areas of knowledge stemming from the ancient Vedic tradition. This field is known as Maharishi Vedic Science SM.

Dr. Nader’s scholarship in this area deepens our understanding of the scientific significance of the Veda, commonly known as ancient, foundational texts of the Vedic science of consciousness. In five books, Dr. Nader has shown an exact correspondence between each aspect of the Vedic literature and human physiology, anatomy, cell biology, and DNA. This correlation reveals that the fluctuations of consciousness as expressed in the Veda are the same as the structure of our body. The physical body is an expression of consciousness. Physiology and intelligence are different aspects of the same reality.

In recognition of Dr. Nader’s achievements and profound knowledge of both modern science and Vedic science, Maharishi gave him the honorific title Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam (MARR). In a ceremony in keeping with ancient Vedic customs, Maharishi crowned Dr Nader the First Sovereign Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace. In appointing Dr. Nader as his successor, Maharishi acknowledged the scientific validation of ancient wisdom to which Dr. Nader has devoted his life.

As leader of the Global Country of World Peace (GCWP) – which was created by Maharishi on October 7, 2000 – Dr. Nader's role focuses on the creation of world peace by unifying all nations in happiness, prosperity, and perfect health and on achieving individual enlightenment, health, and peace through the practice of Transcendental Meditation. The GCWP is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious, global organisation that promotes Transcendental Meditation and its advanced programs. As its leader, Dr. Nader advises and coordinates the worldwide organisations responsible for furthering and expanding the Transcendental Meditation program and Maharishi's contributions to many fields, including education, health, architecture, and defence. Dr. Nader's goal is to continue Maharishi's legacy of sharing knowledge from the Vedic tradition that allows every human being to truly grow to live the fullness of life.

Dr. Nader is now guiding this remarkable legacy into the 21st century, bringing the science of consciousness to new audiences and expanding our understanding of the furthest reaches of human potential – continuing Maharishi’s legacy of compassion and sharing.

“This knowledge, from this tradition, allows every human being to truly live their fullness of life. It’s something that everyone can achieve. It’s very easy, and everyone can do it.”

What Dr. Nader has discovered is that intellectual analysis can open doors to new possibilities but does not in itself lead to significant transformations. One has to step through the doors.

"It is when you transcend all the surface levels of thought and limited experience that a completely different level of reality truly dawns on you. It transforms everything for you. You are still aware of your surface self, but you find you have much more peace, truth, depth and understanding."



The Student

Read more

  • Dr. Nader & TM

    When Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation® (TM) program, planned for the future of the international TM® organisations, he chose a leader accomplished in the field of knowledge.

  • The Student

    It was his passionate pursuit of answers to what he called the challenging questions about "the truth" of life that drove Dr. Nader to his life's endeavour.

  • The Doctor

    Dr. Nader practiced medicine privately and at the Massachusetts General Hospital, the Harvard Medical School as a clinical and research fellow in neurology.

  • The Scientist

    After receiving his medical degree, Dr. Nader had his advanced training as a scientist at MIT, under the supervision of some of the world's most brilliant minds.

  • The Teacher

    Dr. Nader had numerous achievements as a doctor, but stayed true to his passion with the risky move from medicine to the teaching of consciousness.

  • The Author

    Dr. Nader combined his medical degree with his expertise in neurology and consciousness to deepen our understanding of the scientific significance of the Veda.

  • The Leader

    Dr. Nader's achievements and knowledge of both modern science and Vedic science led to his appointment as leader of the global TM organisations.

Dr Tony Nader
Dr Tony Nader