Under Maharishi’s guidance a clinic was opened in Lancaster, Massachusetts. Dr. Nader also began pioneering research on Ayurvedic Rasayanas (natural herbal preparations). Conducting chemical tests on these herbal compounds, he found that they were powerful anti-oxidants, a concept that was just becoming known in the West and led to further research in research institutes around the world. Dr. Nader became the International President of Maharishi Ayurveda Universities and trained over 2000 doctors in Ayurveda and thousands in an Ayurvedic modality called Self Pulse. At the time, Dr. Nader’s focus was understanding the twenty approaches of Maharishi AyurVeda — which include TM and its advanced techniques, and health and rejuvenation procedures. He conducted research in neurochemistry and neuroendocrinology; the relationship between diet, age, behaviour, mood, seasonal influences, and hormonal activity; and the role of neurotransmitter precursors in medicine.

Dr. Nader was also introduced by Maharishi to other areas of Vedic knowledge. The science of consciousness developed by Maharishi integrates modern research with the broad-based areas of knowledge stemming from the ancient Vedic tradition. This integration is known as Maharishi Vedic Science. Maharishi guided Dr. Nader’s training under the most renowned Vedic scholars — Dr. Nader’s scholarship in this area deepens our understanding of the scientific significance of Veda, the timeless wisdom of the science of consciousness. In his five books, Dr. Nader has shown an exact correspondence between each aspect of Vedic literature and human physiology, anatomy, cell biology, and DNA.